
Alpine Christmas Wreaths Red Tartan Christmas Wreaths Jingle Bells Christmas Wreaths



Are you looking for the best way to raise money for your scout troop, church, non-profit organization or school? Everyone can use extra dollars around Christmastime and we have just the fundraising program for you. Reach your group's fundraising goals selling fresh evergreens, a simple and easy way to raise the funds your group needs. Whether you are planning a fundraiser to help out your favorite charity, your team needs new uniforms, or your group has the opportunity to take a special trip, selling Christmas Forest wreaths for profit is a great fundraising idea for any group.

Serving the fundraising community since 1976, we have everything you need for your successful fundraiser. The EZ Plan is a great fundraising plan, and it is simple to get started. You will be proud to see our gorgeous Christmas wreaths, and you will make your customers happy when their forest fresh wreath arrives. How fun for you to see them on doors all over your town!

Easy Plan - Your customers can order online and enter your club name or code and your group will automatically receive 10% of the sale. We will create customized graphics for you if you want to spread the word with an email to your group members and their friends and family. The wreaths are delivered directly to your customers and their gift recipients. They can also order by phone or mail and mention your club name or code and you'll get the 10%. It really is easy.

We are so sure that you will love our wreaths that we offer a free sample wreath. Use the fresh Christmas wreath to promote this great fundraising idea to the other members or show it to potential wreath buyers at church, ballgames, farmers' markets or local bazaars. We will also provide you with free brochures and free order forms and you'll have your own personal contact at Christmas Forest to make sure that you have everything you need for your successful fundraiser.

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